Student Code of Conduct

Effective: 08/09/2024

Concorde believes strongly in promoting the development of personal, professional and social responsibility. Concorde also believes in a humanistic approach to discipline conducive to academic pursuits. However, Concorde recognizes that its responsibility for the protection of personal and institutional rights and property is a primary focus of the disciplinary process. Behavior that infringes upon rights, safety or privileges, or that impedes the educational process, is unacceptable and may lead to sanctions up to and including dismissal from the school. Courteous behavior and professional conduct, appropriate to a business environment, is to be displayed at all times.

All students are expected to respect the rights of others and are held responsible for conforming to the laws of the federal, local, and State governments. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the best interests of Concorde and of the student body.

Concorde’s administration reserves the right to develop any policy or take any action(s) deemed appropriate to maintain the safety and well-being of any or all students. Student conduct offenses may be related to persons, property, campus operations, and welfare, and the health or safety of students, faculty and staff.

Concorde reserves the right to discipline and/or dismiss a student, visitor, or employee for any of the following reasons: possession of firearms on campus property; failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP); failure to pay college fees and/or tuition by applicable deadlines; disruptive behavior (continued willful noncompliance, willful and persistent profanity or vulgarity, open and/or persistent defiance of authority, and/or persistent disrespect of personnel or students). ; posing a danger to the health or welfare of students or other members of the campus community; theft, on or off campus; any form of assault; State and Federal drug law violations; electronic or social media violations; or failure to comply with the policies and procedures of Concorde.

The list of examples is not intended to be all-inclusive, and Concorde reserves the right to act in the best interest of the students, faculty, and staff and may deem actions committed by a student to be a conduct violation, although the action does not appear on a list of examples.

Violation of the conduct policy is grounds for suspension of privileges, up to and including dismissal from the Institution. The Campus President reserves the right to take any action(s) deemed appropriate to ensure the immediate safety and well-being of any or all students, faculty, and staff.

Students are encouraged to share personal experiences while participating in classes at Concorde. However, students must be aware that should they disclose to any Concorde faculty members or staff information that may cause harm to themselves or others, faculty members and staff are required to report such information to the Academic Dean, Director of Student Affairs, or Campus President.

Every student is subject to federal and state law and respective county and city ordinances. A student who is convicted of any criminal offense which interferes with the orderly operation of the school or which the administration feels would endanger members of the Concorde community shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Infringements of the Student Code of Conduct are handled by the Concorde Academic Dean, Director of Student Affairs, and Campus President. Students have the right to request further review in accordance with the school’s “Student Complaint & Grievance Policy” as outlined in this catalog.

If a student is dismissed from the Vocational Nursing program at either the Grand Prairie, TX or Dallas, TX campus for any reason they will not be eligible for readmission into the Vocational Nursing program at the other campus. 

Students who are dismissed for a conduct related violation are not eligible for readmission into any Concorde College/Institute campus.

Student Code of Conduct Offenses

Offenses Related to Persons

An offense related to a person is committed when a student:

  1. Intentionally or knowingly and without authority or consent limits or restricts the freedom of a person to move about in a lawful manner.
  2. Threatens (by any means), intimidates or uses physical or sexual force in a manner that endangers the health or safety of another person or which reasonably causes another person to be fearful of physical or emotional harm.
  3. Intentionally harasses another person. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, impeding another persistently or wronging or bothering another persistently.
  4. Engages in any activity related to other persons which is prohibited by law or court order.

Offenses Related to Property

An offense related to property is committed when a student:

  1. Knowingly and without consent or authorization possesses, removes, uses, misappropriates, or sells the property or services of another person or of Concorde.
  2. Intentionally or negligently damages or destroys property owned or in the possession of another person or of Concorde.
  3. Obtains the property of another person by misrepresentation or deceptive means.
  4. Enters or uses the facilities or property of another person or Concorde without consent or authorization.
  5. Commits a computer-related offense, including, but not limited to, use of a Concorde computer to access graphically prurient or sexually explicit images of persons and/or children.

Offenses Related to the Operation of Concorde

An offense related to the operation of Concorde is committed when a student:

  1. Engages in illegal, obscene or indecent conduct on Concorde property or at Concorde-sponsored events.
  2. Forges, alters, possesses, duplicates, or uses documents, records, keys or identification without consent or the authorization of appropriate Concorde officials.
  3. Fails without just cause to comply with the lawful order of a Concorde official acting in the performance of his/her duties and authority.
  4. Engages in solicitation in or on Concorde property or involving the use of campus property unless such solicitation is approved by appropriate Concorde officials.
  5. Operation of any audio or video recording device without prior approval.
  6. Intentionally acts to impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of Concorde.

Offenses Related to Welfare, Health or Safety

An offense related to welfare, health or safety is committed when a student:

  1. Uses, possesses, or manufactures, without Concorde authorization, firearms, explosives, weapons, unregistered fireworks, illegal chemical or biological agents or other dangerous articles or substances injurious to persons or property.
  2. Falsely reports a fire, activates emergency warning equipment, or communicates false information regarding the existence of explosives or hazardous materials on Concorde property.
  3. Abuses, removes, or damages fire and safety equipment or fails to vacate a building or facility when a fire alarm is activated.
  4. Fails to leave a building, streets, walks, driveways or other facilities of Concorde when directed to do so by an official of the campus having just cause to so order.
  5. Uses, possesses, distributes, sells, purchases or is under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, hallucinogens, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances.