Classroom and Laboratory Conduct

Safety: Because of the health hazards inherent in the healthcare field, safety, health, fire prevention, and proper procedures for handling materials and equipment are stressed in every healthcare class. Rules and safety procedures are posted in each lab.

Breakage: Although no laboratory breakage is charged, payment may be charged for any deliberate and intentional breakage of equipment.

Eating: No food or beverages are allowed in laboratories. No food or beverages are allowed in classrooms except bottled water with a top.

Cleanliness: Students are evaluated as to how they care for and maintain equipment. Housekeeping duties will be required of all students. Students are responsible for keeping facilities and equipment clean and neat at all times.

Homework: Required homework assignments are to be turned in when due. Each student should be prepared to devote time daily to home study.

Lecture Notes: Students are required to take adequate lecture notes daily.